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About Us
PT. NAUTICA SURVEIINDONESIA (formerly PT. BMT SURVEIINDONESIA) was established in Jakarta on the 25th of May 2012, and is supported by the Notary Act with the Decree of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights No.49398.AH.01.01.Tahun 2012, and the last Notary Act with last Decree of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights No. AHU-0009887.AH.01.02.Tahun 2016.
Operationally, the company has first started the business in the field of Marine, Offshore & Cargo Surveyor and Consultant in Indonesia, and further expanded the core of business on to Technical Inspections and Specialised Services.
The technical support and consulting experiences of the expert partners to further expand the company competencies and strengthen the position of the company in providing world class marine and consulting services. This is supported by internal personnels who have experiences as Marine Surveyor and Consultant, Master Mariners and Engineers in both local and multinational companies. Thus, our expertise in the field of marine survey and consultants, safety and risks, marine and cargo as well as national and international shipping is getting stronger.
The company is committed to provide integrated services with highly dedicated operational staff from varied backgrounds as well as equipments to perform the activities as mentioned below.